Monday, November 1, 2010

Blue Bombers Build Elliot High Enough to Fall

All week the hype in the media was building our curiosity of Joey Elliot. His confidence, almost cocky attitude. His chance to shine in the spotlight as the Bombers look ahead to the next season. The Tom Brady-like potential of a kid who got a shot due to unforeseen circumstances who...just maybe...could be the future of the Blue's most critical position.

And what do they do?... Rip the opporunity from him at the end of the game.

Anyone who managed to stay awake the whole game against Edmonton witnessed the public castration of Elliot's leadership potential. With less than a minute on the clock left in the game, after choosing to pull 3-points off the board by accepting a penalty, one would think the Bombers were going for the win. Why wouldn't they? They only have spoiler to play and nothing but further fan support to lose. The latter was all they accomplished.

Why run the ball on 2nd and 3? Elliot was showing true flashes of leadership and poise when the game was on the line. All year the issue has been the Bombers inability to finish, and here you have a kid who's making throws, looking confident and driving the ball. A true test of his ability. A real moment of excitement for die-hard fans looking to cling to something. Nope...we're gonna run the ball and kick and field goal. What?!

Watching this play out was the epitomy of the Bomber season. A bunch of potential wasted. Let Elliot finish the drive! Let him answer the question of "can I finish?"

I can't imagine one Bomber fan who doesn't feel like the last breath of hope about the future was exhaled with the decision to run.

When you've had the season like the Blue have had, all you can do is hope to find meaning in meaningless games like these last two. After sucking the potential from Elliot like the coaches did; I'd be surprised if anyone shows up to the Stadium to witness the final disappointment of the 2010 Bomber season.

You have the right to come up with a new slogan next year and hope "the Blue Revolution" all forget.

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